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Operator Panel Prisma



The Prisma machine control system is completely customizable, consisting of a console and a base both completely customizable, through numerous connections and front buttons. Thanks to the IP65 front protection, it can be used in any industrial and food&beverage environment.

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Operator Panel Prisma

Operator Panel Prisma

The Prisma machine control system is completely customizable, consisting of a console and a base both completely customizable, through numerous connections and front buttons. Thanks to the IP65 front protection, it can be used in any industrial and food&beverage environment.

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The Prisma machine control system is completely customizable, consisting of a console and a base both completely customizable, through numerous connections and front buttons. Thanks to the IP65 front protection, it can be used in any industrial and food&beverage environment.

This version was created to combine the reliability and versatility of Vertex products with a modern design.

The front can be customized with the company logo and graphics, so as to allow greater uniformity with the customer corporate identity.

It is possible to configure the front connections and buttons according to the application's  you need, by inserting emergency buttons, indicator lights and waterproof connectors.

The device reaches IP65 front protection and is made with the latest components to ensure a high level of reliability.

It can be supplied with a high sensitivity multitouch touch screen with anti-glare glass for greater readability of the interface even in extreme conditions.

The device is supplied in the Panel PC and Monitor version.

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Operator Panel Prisma

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